18 Holes and Counting!

Our Love Affair with Golf!

Corona Virus

Greetings from 18 Holes and Counting. As I sit here thinking of a topic to write about for my “Reads from the Reds” for this week, the only thing that keeps coming to my mind is the Corona Virus. It’s everywhere – the radio, the TV, as well as just about in all our conversations.  It’s non-stop.  I can feel the anxiousness in the air and all the information can be a bit overwhelming with tons of news about what to do, what not to do, etc. I’m noticing all the news is bad and is starting to negatively impact the way I feel and react to people on a daily basis. This is much like my golf game – when I focus on all the bad things that are happening during a round of golf, I get more uptight, tenser and play worse.   So I thought it would be a good idea to share 10 Positive Updates on the COVID-19 Outbreaks From Around the World. 

  1. U.S. Researchers deliver first COVID-19 vaccine to volunteers in Experimental Test Program.
  2. Distilleries across the United States are making their own free hand sanitizers to give away for free.
  3. Air pollution plummets in cities with high rates of quarantine.
  4. John Hopkins researcher says that antibodies from recovered COVID patients could help protect people at risk.
  5. South Korean outbreak finally abating as recoveries outnumber new infections for three days in a row.
  6. China celebrates several milestones of recovery after temporary hospitals close and parks reopen.
  7. Australian researchers testing two drugs as potential “cures” for the virus.
  8. Uber Eats is supporting the North American Restaurant Industry by waiving delivery fees for 100,000 restaurants.
  9. Dutch and Canadian researchers are reporting additional breakthrough research on treating the virus.
  10. Here are a bunch of other ways that people and businesses are supporting each other throughout the U.S. outbreak – Dollar General has announced they will be devoting their opening hour of shopping time to elderly customers; Athletes and sports teams are pledging to pay the wages of arena employees during the shutdown; Utility companies, landlords, automakers, and internet providers are waiving a number of late fees and payments to ease the financial burden of the shutdown; School districts across the country are still opening their doors to serve meals to kids and families.

**Note – If you would like to read the article in its entirety just continue on to the Good News Network to read the complete report.

     Much of the country is under a “shelter in place” order due to the coronavirus.  We’re not to leave our residence unless it’s to get groceries, gas, medicine, or other essentials, and Social Distancing has become the new phrase.  But what does that mean?  We are being told it is OKay to go outdoors for fresh air and exercise but avoid being in close contact with people.  So social distancing doesn’t mean your weekend is doomed.  You just have to get a little creative.  If you are lucky enough and the golf course in your area is still open, you can golf!  Here’s my take on why I think golf will help you through this time:

  • Avoid going to places where 25 or more people may gather.  In golf the highest number of players in a group is 4.  
  • Go places where you can maintain at least six feet of distance from other people.  In golf routinely you will have 300 yards between the next group.
  • Go outside and get some fresh air.  Playing a round of golf provides plenty of fresh air.
  • Take time to exercise.  You can easily burn over 700 calories in a 4 hour round of golf. 

I do understand that not everyone has the ability to get out and play a round of golf.  So here are some ideas for keeping busy and staying engaged without golf.

– Read.  Read something from that stack of books you’ve been collecting and adding to for the last year. 

– Play.  Try a crossword app, sudoku app, or start a puzzle. Give jumproping a try.

– Go for a Walk.

– Virtual Meet Ups.  Use Zoom, Facebook Chat, or WhatsApp to have a “virtual” Happy Hour with family or friends.            

– Support your favorite local businesses.   Small businesses are going to hurt. They could use every dollar you can spare. If you have the means, consider helping them out with some business even if you don’t “need” it.  Order takeout, buy gift cards, pay ahead of time for services like house cleaning or car detailing or what have you. Give big tips.

            I continue to be awed by the strength, resilience and adaptability of so many during these uncertain times.  As a friend told me, our lives have slowed down, our habits have changed and our priorities too.  We will get through this.  My Reads from the Reds is……..Keep Calm, play some golf if you can, and for everyone’s sake…Please Wash Your Hands!  

Fairways and Greens – We are 18 Holes and Counting. Written by Kathy Festa

2 Replies to “Corona Virus”

  • Welcome the positive points and agree that golf can be a thing during these troubled time. I appreciate that your glass is always half full ~ more often than not 3/4s full. There’s a lot we have no control over, but it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun!

    • Maureen – thanks for taking the time to leave such a kind comment. And you are one of those friends who always looks at things from the positive side, which is one more reason why I adore you! Hope you and yours are doing well during these crazy times!! XoXo

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