18 Holes and Counting!

Our Love Affair with Golf!

“Golf Habits”

I recently read the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear.  In his book, Mr. Clear reveals exactly how minuscule changes can grow into positive changes.  Basically, atomic habits are the small things we do daily that determine whether we succeed or not.  It is that simple.  You can be born into golfing royalty with access to every conceivable tool to help you succeed, but the one thing that will burst your big dream of “Championships & Fame” every time is bad habits.

Naturally this has got me thinking about my golf habits. 

When I first started playing golf I was told by my instructor that golf is all about muscle memory.  Muscle memory is the act of committing a specific motor task into memory through repetition.  Reflecting back on this, it sounds like he was telling me to create a “habit”.  It figures I didn’t recognize that was what he was saying. 

While I know my muscles themselves can’t actually remember anything, they are full of neurons attached to my nervous system that play a role in motor learning.  Any movement requires brain activity, and repeating a movement, (for instance – my golf swing), enough times triggers recognizable patterns in my brain regions responsible for motor skills.  Thus leading to a learned motion that will require less brainpower in the future.  Anything that requires “less” brainpower is something I can easily get on board with!

Golf is so challenging….because a good golf game comes from a combination of physics, mechanics and psychology.  The game is as much a mental game as it is physical game, and every course presents new challenges.  How the ball is lying, where the wind is blowing, how much water is present…. the things to think about when taking a shot are endless.  Having a consistent routine allows me to rely on solid foundations that have served me well in previous games – a big advantage amidst all those unknowns. 

The more I give this “habit” thing some thought, I wonder what habits are serving me well as a golfer?  

In his book Mr. Clear talks about the four laws of how to create a good habit: number 1 – Make it Obvious, number 2 – Make it Attractive, number 3 – Make it Easy and number 4 – Make it Satisfying.  Do I apply those laws to my golf habits?  Is it possible my current golf performance is governed by my golf habits?      

Well let’s take a look at some of my Golf Habits and see……

The 1st Law – Make it Obvious

 I have regular lessons with a Golf Pro.  (By Golf Pro I am not talking about my husband here).  Checking in regularly with a golf pro to tighten my sloppy habits and developing some new habits does take time, and my game may suffer in the short term, but I know improving my golf game requires re-programming for both mind and body.

– I (try) to learn from my mistakes – If a chip shot to the green goes awry, I stay in position and take a practice swing again to try to understand what went wrong.  So when I’m on the next hole in a similar position, I hopefully can correct what I did wrong earlier.

The 2nd Law – Make it Attractive

– I dress for success on the course.  What is it Zig Zigler says – “You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure”.  I have found dressing the part of a LPGA golfer helps me to feel better and golf better!   

The 3rd Law – Make it Easy

– I always arrive early for my scheduled Tee time.  Ok, full disclosure here.  I am pretty much a person who arrives early for anything and everything.  It’s ingrained in me.  I am not thrilled with arriving late for something and I certainly am not a fan of waiting for those who are late (you know I am talking about you D.S.).  In golf I lean toward the thinking of arriving even fifteen minutes at the course before I begin my round will dramatically improve my game. 

– Ensure I have the essential tools for my round.  Let’s face it most sports have an unlimited list of accessorizes to choose from – and golf is no different!  Golf can be a ridiculous game of gadgets, but I try to keep to the essential elements of the game.  OK , OK, besides the obvious golf balls, tees and clubs, a towel for wiping off clubs, an umbrella for sudden showers and a divot repair kit are the only accessories I ensure I have for each round I play.  I consider the rest just a WOM (Waste Of Money!)  

The 4th Law – Make it Satisfying

– I watch other golfers.  I watch both professional golfers and weekend golfers.  By watching other golfers struggle with a certain shot or lie, helps me recognize that many golfers out there struggle with their games too – I am NOT alone!  Yes that is satisfying – afterall misery does love company – am I right?  I figure it’s also a good way for me to take the focus off of me, which helps for a more relaxing round.    

So, if nothing else, my golf habits do bring me reassurance and confidence in my game.  By establishing and sticking with a pre- and post-game routine I believe it makes for more enjoyable play and may even improve my golf scores.

That’s my golf habits, but what about my life habits?  Am I applying the same four laws of making habits to my life outside of golf?  

Well let’s take a look at one of my life habits and see….

Since the first of the year I have had a goal that I have wanted to establish in my life – Read something (other than the internet) daily.  In Atomic Habits, Mr. Clear explains the steps that can be applied to the four laws to build better habits.

The 1st Law – Make it Obvious

            For the first law, I have designed my environment so that my desire to read daily is obvious and visible.  I have placed the book I am currently reading on top of my night stand so that I see it every evening prior to going to bed.  If I have not read in the day, I pick up the book and ensure I read just four pages before I go to sleep.  

The 2nd Law – Make it Attractive

            For the second law, I have created a motivation ritual.  Immediately before I begin to read I take a deep breath and smile.  I am slowly beginning to associate this breathe-and-smile routine with being in a good mood.  Three deep breaths.  Smile.  Read. 

The 3rd Law – Make it Easy

            For the third law, I have started to always carry a book with me.  When I am stuck somewhere for an extended period, I am able to take out my book and read – instead of trolling the internet with my phone.  Besides, I much prefer reading a book than my cell phone or tablet.  And hey – there is scientific proof that holding and touching a book while reading is better for your brain and health! 

The 4th Law – Make it Satisfying

            For the fourth law, I started a habit tracker.  Each day that I read I write it down on my daily calendar and cross it off my daily task list.  For me, there is something extremely satisfying about crossing tasks off a list and putting an “X” on my calendar!  

Is it working you may ask?  I would answer with a very enthusiastic “Yes!”  Since beginning this journey 3 months ago, I have completed four books and for me, that is quite an accomplishment.  Now whenever I am looking to improve, and get even 1 percent better, I have a set of tools and strategies that I can use to shape my good habits.  I know this is a continuous process and there is no finish line.  But….there is power in habits.  And heck – I like power – don’t you?   

My Reads from the Reds:  Let’s get on with changing our Golf (and Life) Habits for the better

Fairways and Greens Everyone! We are 18 Holes and Counting!

Written by Kathy Festa

6 Replies to ““Golf Habits””

    • Traci – That’s great and good luck! It’s been very rewarding for sure! Fairways and Greens….Kath

    • Jean – You are very welcome! You are one of my favorite golfers to watch. Your golf swing is perfection! Fairways and Greens….Kath

  • I love the way you applied the habits to golf, and then gave another type of example. This makes me want to think about habits I have and how I can apply those same 4 principles.

    • Liz – Thanks. With all the things you accomplish on a daily basis, I feel confident you are already applying the four principles to your habits!! Fairways and Greens….Kath

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